Analysis of Web-Based Academic Information System at Harapan Kartasura Vocational School

Norma Puspitasari, Edy Susena, Muhammad Hari Wahyudi


Technological advancements are continuously developing rapidly, initiated or based on the world of education that provides knowledge, guidance and practice on how to create updated technology. The cause of the creation of technology stems from the world of education, so the world of education should implement a technology-oriented information system. HarapanKartasura Vocational School in processing academic data still uses a simple computerized system and still uses paper. Even though it is supported by a computer, it only uses simple applications such as Microsoft Excel and Word applications, thus allowing a lot of errors in processing academic data. This can hinder academic services to students and teachers as well as result in difficulties in finding data and consuming time in preparing reports. The purpose of this study is to design an academic information system at HarapanKartasura Vocational School so that it can facilitate the processing of academic data such as student data, teacher data, class data and subject data and can overcome existing problems.The result of this research is an academic information system that can help accelerate school performance and make it easier for schools to get the information they need precisely, quickly and accurately.

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