Information System Design of financial bookkeeping at UD Dewi Sri

Agung Widiyanto Fajar Sutrisno, Bekti Nugrahadi, Farid Fitriyadi


The current condition of the rice milling business is getting tougher. Price competition between rice milling companies and local rice price competition with imported rice makes companies need to improve efficiency to survive in business competition. Various ways are done to increase efficiency, including utilizing conceptual resources (information) to manage the company's physical resources. This research designs a financial bookkeeping information system which is the initial stage of the development stage of an integrated information system at UD. Dewi Sri. The first step is to search and collect company profile data for company workflows. After the objects are identified and the relationship between the objects is known, the next step is to make a data flow diagram for each process. The diagram is used to create entity relationship diagrams (Entity Relationship Diagrams) and programming flows. After writing the programming language, initial testing is carried out by entering sample data. The result of this research is a computer-based financial bookkeeping information system application design that is expected to be able to be applied in companies and can be developed toward an integrated information system.

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