Video Creation of Waste Handling Work Program By Batu City Environment Service

Wiji Luluk Agustina


The waste problem in Batu City is a chore that must be addressed immediately. As many as 77 tons or about 0.35 kg/person/day of waste are recorded in this city. The Batu City Environmental Service (DLH) in collaboration with the Recycling Community or KUDU reduced waste in Batu City in a creative way. KUDU, which consists of 23 recycling entrepreneurs, utilizes waste to create products that have artistic value and selling value. The success of reducing waste in this way requires the support of all residents of Batu City. Therefore DLH Kota Batu has made a video of the work program for handling waste with the aim of involving the active role of residents in dealing with waste problems. This video is also intended to present a positive image of DLH Kota Batu and establish an ongoing partnership with KUDU members. The video narrative is compiled based on research data obtained through observation, literature study, and interviews. Videos are publicly displayed on social media so that video messages can reach all levels of Batu City residents.

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