Fuzzy Mamdani Model for Assessing the Level of Service Satisfaction for Requirements of Social Welfare Services at the "Prof. Dr. Soeharso" Integrated Center in Surakarta

Astri Charolina, Farid Fitriyadi


Abstract-Service quality is one of the competitive advantages, because good service is one of the basic factors that can affect the comfort level of service recipients. Public services by the government apparatus today are still often found to be weak, so that they cannot meet the quality expected by the community. This study is intended to see how much service satisfaction is, and the effect of service levels on satisfaction levels based on Mamdani Model Fuzzy Inference System Logic. There are three input variables used namely clarity of information, ability of officers and availability of facilities and infrastructure to produce service satisfaction output. Based on the stages using Mamdani Model Fuzzy Inference System Logic starting from the formation of fuzzy sets, application of the implementation function, composition of the rules until the confirmation process (defuzzyfication), it can be proved the correlation between input variables so that it can determine the output of service satisfaction. The results of this study are expected to be used by the agency, as a support system for the decision on the results of the assessment given by the community for perceived services. The future development of this research will be re-tested by adding more variables and an interface will be created to facilitate the processing of the results of the quality assessment of public complaints services.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29040/ijcis.v5i1.152

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