Expert System for Early Diagnosis of Tropical Malaria and Tertiana Malaria using Certainty Factor

Patmawati Hasan, Elvis Pawan


Twano Health Center is one of the technical implementing units of the Jayapura City Health Office which organizes Health Efforts, but the constraints regarding the facilities and infrastructure of the Puskesmas are not yet adequate in supporting health services. Based on observations, the increase in the level of malaria sufferers in the Jayapura area is caused by parasites (protozoa) of the genus Plasmodium and the mode of transmission is through the bite of a female Anopheles mosquito. There are two types of malaria that are often experienced by Jayapura residents, namely Tropical Malaria (Plasmodium falciparum) and Tertiana (Plasmodium vivax). The purpose of this study is to create an expert system that can diagnose early diseases such as an expert or doctor using the Certainty Factor method which expresses belief in an event (fact or hypothesis) based on evidence or expert judgment in early diagnosis of Tropical Malaria and Tertiana. The research subjects taken were 5 patients who had symptoms of Malaria and 1 doctor to determine the symptoms of the disease) The expert system using the Certainty Factor method was used because this method was suitable in determining the disease, and the result was a percentage which was the level of accuracy in determining the patient's disease. Determination of the percentage is influenced by the MB value (a measure of the increase in confidence) and the MD value (a measure of the increase in distrust) obtained from the assessment of an expert. For data modeling using data flow diagrams (DFD) and website-based. Total accurate patient recapitulation results are 80% of the Expert System for Early Diagnosis of Tropical Malaria and Tertiana using Certainty Factor

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