Classification of Fish Species with Image Data Using K-Nearest Neighbor
Abstract— Classification is a technique that many of us encounter in everyday life, classification science is also growing and being applied to various types of data and cases in everyday life, in computer science classification has been developed to facilitate human work, one example of its application is to classify fish species in the world, the number of fish species in the world is very much so that there are still many people who are sometimes confused to distinguish them, therefore in this study a study will be conducted to classify fish species using the K-Nearest Neighbor Method. 4 types of fish, all data totaling 160 data. The purpose of this study was to test the K-Nearest Neighbor method for classifying fish species based on color, texture, and shape features. Based on the test results, the accuracy value of the truth is obtained using the value of K = 7 with a percentage of the truth of 77.50%, the second-highest accuracy value is the value of K = 10, namely 76.88%. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the K-Nearest Neighbor method has a good enough ability to classify, but it can be done by adding variables or adding more amount of data, and using other types of fish.
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